British Sea Fishing Guides The State of our Seas – an Overview of the UK Sea Fisheries Sea fishing hooks Bream Fishing Tips Saltwater fly fishing for pollack in Scotland Wrasse fishing UK Sea Fishing for Beginners Cod fishing | 10 tips for lure fishing Squid Fishing UK |11 tips for jigging at midnight Spinning for Brown Trout in the UK | 20 Tips Mullet fishing Rock Fishing with Lures Lure fishing for pike Lure Fishing UK | Beginners Guide Lure fishing for perch | 24 Perch Fishing Tips Fly fishing for mullet | A masterclass Bull Huss Fishing Bluefin Tuna UK | 13 things for anglers to know Beach Casting Guide Lure fishing for bass in the UK | 30 tips Mackerel Fishing UK | How to catch mackerel in 22 tips